June 5, 2011

Information architect

Information anxiety 2 ch 1, 2 & 3

Information anxiety
According to Nathan Shedroff, there are 4 main forms of anxiety.
1. The frustration with the inabiity to keep up with the amount of data present in our life. What makes this worse is that the data is not just passive, but actively inserting itself into out environment, out attentions.
2. The frustration with the quality. We need "insight" info, the most precious form rather than quantity.
3. The guilit not being better informed, of not being able to keep up with the amount of data masquerading as information.
4. There is a dangerous hubris that develops for "knowing things first."

The process of understanding

A fact or data itself make no sense without a frame of reference. It can be understood only when it relate to an idea. The job of architects is to make these info understandable to the audience through the experience they knew. They can be classified by location, alphabet, time, category or hierarchy. Once they are classified differently, we perceive different knowledge each time. How people perceive the info depends on the frame of design.

Communication equals remembering not knowing
It makes me think that during my research, I should test my prototype to the public and collect the response about how much they remember enough to take action...

Can this thesis be used in different interface?
For example, cars are equipted with GPS. Moreover passengers can be tracked down by police and medical help if there's an accident. Can my thesis be provided by another industry?

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