June 7, 2011

Case study 1 Wait&Date

Speaking of "communication equals remembering not knowing," the key is how to make people remember what they see? It should unique enough to stand out. Then I think of my questions.

How to make people to take action regarding climate change?
Can info graphic be fun and lighthearted instead of serious to attract people?

When we talk about weather, we have specific images or symbols in our mind based on our past experience. What if I change this design to relaxing atmosphere (but the message and purpose are the same) and encourage people to participate? Can design change people's behavior? Here is the example.

Pre-reading material:
The art of design research (and why it matters)

Designers: Yi-Chen Chiang, Jiao-Rong Lu & Erin Hover
Target audience: General public who is waiting.

People are constantly waiting in lines. Especially in New York City. Whether one is waiting to withdraw money, for coffee, to check out at the supermarket, for a subway train or for an elevator, people do not usually relish those precious moments that could be spent doing something else. Many people consider waiting a negative and boring experience, but can it be turned into a positive stimulating experience through visual communication? They turned into an experimental project that encourages people to interact and converse with one another in any given location including bars, subway and laundromat.

Jiao-Rong Lu http://jiaoronglu.com/filter/Publication-Design#1325312/WAIT-DATE
Yi-Chen Chiang http://cargocollective.com/yichenchiang#1387777/wait-date
Erin Hover http://www.erinhover.com/#1309719/wait-date

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